ANATHEMA: Aufnahmen beendet/Mix begonnen

ANATHEMA haben die Aufnahmen zum neuen Album beendet und mit dem Mix begonnen. Hier der Kommentar von Gitarrist Daniel Cavanagh:

ANATHEMA haben die Aufnahmen zum neuen Album beendet und mit dem Mix begonnen. Hier der Kommentar von Gitarrist Daniel Cavanagh:

“We are mixing now and I think it sounds good. I feel that this album will be popular with the fans. It’s the kind of thing they (and I) like. And also, I can stand by it because it’s based on real shit. Not a word of a lie on it. Ok, it’s not really everything we represent, but it’s an album that means something and is about something and the tunes are good and the songs are good. And it’s proper doom. A few of you might actually go ‘holy fuck!’

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